Not a Sanguine, But a Programmer!

Choosing a profession for newly made nomads depending on temperament type

Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2020


Decided to give up the sedentary way of life and walk on the wild side and become a real digital nomad? Onlife will help you find something to your liking. To be more accurate, by type of temperament 😁

Already in antiquity, Hippocrates and his comrade Galen recommended to especially ardent and hot-tempered representatives of their civilization to avoid all monotone activities and to communicate more with people. Isolation can infuriate these guys, so we also don’t recommend you to develop drones or something like that as it means spending a lot of time alone 😊 We think that its best for choleric people to go to SMM and stay in Zoom or Skype day and night.

If you have hypersensitivity, and the common scenario of your dreams is the famous love story from Titanic, our congratulations — you are a melancholy nomad who is easily exposed to nostalgia. In order to avoid deceptive feelings for the old creaky chair in your office, we advise you to take a look into development.

You have already forgotten how your office and colleagues looked, and the landscape outside the airplane window causes no more emotions than a supermarket around the corner of your house? 😏 Your phlegmatic calmness annoys the guys described above. Hippocrates, Onlife, as well as Ivan Pavlov, prescribe your work in the field of analytics. Arrays of data and even rows of numbers will strengthen your nervous system even more.

Grandfather Jung, looking at the cheerful, but restrained sanguine, would probably advise killing two birds with a stone — not to be isolated and not socialize on the path of the digital nomad. In general, master Photoshop because in web design its tough without this knowledge.

As a bonus, we’ve prepared for you a few resources with useful info that a young fighter needs 💪 — will give you an idea of ​​the cost of living of a digital nomad in the most popular cities in the world — a resource for dating for the nomadic community — here you can find like-minded people and get the first job experience as a digital nomad/

See you!

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