Take Off Your Hijab, We Know It’s You

A New Country on the Tourist World Map!

Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2020


The country of glossy skyscrapers and the ruthless sun looks very expensive. And it belongs to one family, in whose honor it is named. From generation to generation, Saudi Arabia is ruled by a dynasty. Since 1744, when the country came into existence, to this day Al Saud run this huge territory. The royal family has absolute power. But even this is not the most interesting fact.

Despite huge amounts of money and flash-like development, Saudi Arabia does not lose touch with the internal dark ages and still carries out public executions. A real hunting for witches in hijabs!

The uncompromising authority in the issue of execution is beyond doubt. The most famous executed person was Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud — a Saudi Arabian princess that was sentenced due to adultery. 😶

Not that long ago, Saudi Arabia was a very fancy version of North Korea in the Arab world. What kind of life do sheikhs have behind seven locks is anybody’s guess based on the checks that these gentlemen leave in Europe😊 And if you really wanted to see Riyadh with your own eyes, you had to grab the Koran and look for a place in the mosque. In short, to visit this country you had to accept Islam. 👀

Tourism in this country has long been exclusively religious, since people came here for the two main holy sites of the Muslim world — Mecca and Medina. Islamic laws did not allow visiting the country for secular purposes.

And now…Hurray! You no longer need to change your views in order to visit these lands. It was like this — in 2019, the sheikhs gathered for a private meeting and decided that they needed to get off the oil needle. And they declared September 27 the official birthday of tourism in their country. 😲

To get a whole developed country for tourist discoveries in 2020 feels just like to wear Columbus boots. Schedule a visa interview and full ahead to expand the travel map in the Onlife app!

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