Love Never Fails

“God is love.”

Destiny Bright
2 min readDec 21, 2013

God loves us. Some may question this, but it is truth. I have had many questions in the past, and still sometimes now; but God is not afraid to be questioned. He has the answers. I may stumble sometimes, but God always has me.

I have been a Christian my entire life. The weird thing was, it was not shoved down my throat. I wasn’t raised in a “big Christian household”. I believe I was told about God by my Dad’s Mom; my Grandma Bright. My Mom told me I would pray when I was little. I have learned throughout my years though, it is NOT about the “religion”, but the relationship.

Everyone has a story, and everyone has gone through trials. It is what we do with those trials, how we react that matters though. I have had feelings of doubts, fears, worthlessness, pride, confusion, and emptiness. BUT, they are just feelings. Faith does not rely on feelings, it relies on trust. The three main things that relationships rely on are Faith, Hope, and Love.

Trials can make you make bad choices, turn into a mean person, hold a grudge, hate, and other horrible things; but sometimes trials can guide you onto a path of wisdom. I am not saying that it will be automatic, but I personally have grown in my relationship with God when I doubted, because I learn. I learn what I believe. I research, I pray, and I experience. I have also held a grudge, and I learned that holding that hurt in my heart, only hurt me worse. I let it all go, and the hurt has turned into peace and joy.

God loves us. When we are completely in chaos, when everything is going great; when you feel all alone, when you feel loved; when you feel lost, when you feel fine; it does not matter! These are just feelings, feelings matter only because of the reactions, and the reaction should be complete Trust. And once you have that trust none of the troubles of this world matter. Once I have complete Faith, Hope, and Love in God, my experience of this life will completely make scense. This is true, because God loved us first.

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