Collaboration vs. Committees

Don’t get confused

Leif Abraham
1 min readOct 27, 2013

A collaborative process is great. A flat structure that is not directed from the top down can reveal a lot of smart ideas from people that normally would not have the chance to speak up. It also helps ideas to flourish as ownership of ideas is treated loosely and everyone can contribute to make it better. But often collaboration gets confused with committees.

A collaborative process does not mean decisions have to be made as a group. As ideas are not getting better the more people see their part being integrated. When collaboration becomes a committee ideas often become average and safe, rather than outstanding and disruptive, because committees lead to compromise.



Leif Abraham

Co-Founder, Co-Founder AND.CO (acq. by Fiverr), Co-Founder Pay with a Tweet (acq. by HV),