Why Social Sharing Apps Need to be Simpler

And what we’re doing about it.

Christina Preetha
on minimalism


Buffer. Sproutsocial. Tweetdeck. Hootsuite.

They’re great tools, but there are a couple of things about them that are annoying. For one, they want me to login and grapple with features.

Sometimes all I want to do is post something impulsive about how awesome a movie is or quickly complain about Mondays. It doesn’t matter. I could be excited about kittens or an article I just read, but I can’t share that without logging in.

If I’m using Buffer, which is a fairly minimal social sharing app, logging in with Facebook and Twitter connect is not a big chore. But it’s still a tool that loves to give me options.

Don’t get me wrong, when I’m working I’m delighted with those options. I let out whoops of joy or have a minor break-down when I check analytics. But when I’m seeing, hearing, playing, thinking and feeling, I don’t need any of that. I want something simple that doesn’t need a login and doesn’t disturb my moment. Just let me post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and what-have-you. No frills, no frou-frou.

In short, I want a social sharing app for people who are too busy with real life to use social sharing apps.

I mentioned this to my husband in a fit of frustration one day (a UX designer and a Rubik’s cube fiend) and before I knew it, he was sold. After a bit of asking around, we found that the idea resonated with other people too.

So we decided to build it.

After a couple of weeks of working between his already existing projects Praveen came up with the design for a very minimal app and even hacked together a GIF of what it will look like.

We named it Pelt.

You can see further design developments for the Pelt Project at Dribbble.

Also, if you have any feedback or cool ideas, Praveen Francis and moi hang out in Twitter a lot and we’ll be very glad to hear them.

And if you think this is cool please tell us about it or recommend this post. It’ll be our own little social experiment. Thanks for being awesome!



Christina Preetha
on minimalism

Thinker, bibliophile, food gardener, connoisseur of the funny papers. Twitter:@Chris_preetha