Hello, World!

Ramblin' Rose
On Mothering
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2013

Lately so much has caught the attention of this student of life. This whole business of life is certainly a mystery that I’m guessing I will not understand until I near it’s conclusion. However, that thorny truth cannot stop Ramblin’ Rose from trying to work through a few things.

I know that all things happen for a reason, that there are no accidents and that there is something to be learned from every situation. Something I have been keenly aware of lately is a thing called synchronicity, this is when two or more things that would not seem to be causally related do occur in a meaningful manner. I guess that when we exercise our intuition we may come across more such happenings.

As the mother of six this Ramblin’ Rose has long relied on intuition to survive the roller coaster of life. So often lately I will read, remember or retell a certain thorny truth only to find myself being faced with that reality within days or hours. I am wondering if God speaks to us in such a way as to allow exploration of certain topics at pertinent times. It is beginning to seem that he does. Now, I must find a way to be quiet enough to hear him.



Ramblin' Rose
On Mothering

I am a student of life. An observer, a tinkerer and a thinker. I have six kids and spend time searching for the truth and even more trying to live it.