Connecting people and place; A weekend in London’s East End

David Romain
On Purpose Stories
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018
3 cities connect

David Romain, who is an April 2017 Associate in London, writes about the latest of our inter-city exchanges of our Associate Programme participants in London, Paris and Berlin.

On Purpose Associates from Berlin and Paris joined the London crew for an action- packed programme designed to challenge, connect and inspire. Energized by some lunch-time yoga, Friday’s sessions kicked-off with pretzel making. This collaborative activity quickly brought the cohorts together, then challenged us to get creative and re-create the recipe, making it accessible to specific audiences.

Our guest speakers from the Ellen MacArthur foundation then gave us their expert insight into the pressing need for, and examples of, circular economic models. We split into teams to design and present business ideas which preserve and enhance materials otherwise wasted by linear economic models.

Christ Church of Spitalfields — where a local residential rehab centre first had its home

Saturday’s programme saw forty of us gather at London’s first social housing project, Arnold Circus, for a walking tour of London’s East End. As we discovered the history of the area we were invited to imagine the reality of having to flee your home and start life again as a refugee: “Arriving in London’s East End with nothing, very little English and without a home, what do you do first?” We intertwined the theme of new beginnings with learning about the amazing examples of social action and social finance which originated in East London in the 19th and 20th centuries and continue to this day.

Formal programme complete, it was time for a Turkish meal in Dalston before connecting with On Purpose Fellows to dance our way into the night. We partied in support of Breadwinners, a recent example of social action born in East London which empowers unemployed refugees through making bread, continuing to connect people and place.

Connecting with dynamic and purpose-driven people from around the globe can lead to an enhanced social action and impact in a time when it is needed most. September in Paris, January in London, I wonder where we will gather next…

