Introducing Humans on Purpose

On Purpose
On Purpose Stories
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2015
Isolde Rutherford

What do you get when you mix one challenge, one rapidly looming anniversary, and 18 rather competitive people? Associate Izzi Rutherford explains…

“Good day, Associates… Have you always suspected you might be the best cohort ever? Do you really know how to party…?”

These were some of the choice phrases piquing the interest of the October 2014 Associates on a rainy Friday in February, as we were given our brief to design a celebration of On Purpose’s 5th anniversary.

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OnP Cake

They grow up so fast…[/caption]

Having launched in 2010 with just five participants, On Purpose has grown exponentially. In October, the 11th cohort will join the programme — bringing the total number of UK Associates and Fellows to just over 140. This year has seen the launch of the programme in Paris, and preparations are underway for On Purpose in Berlin to open its doors in early 2016.

Celebrating them all
There are so many impressive statistics we could roll out at this point: nearly 2,000 hours of expert training across London and Paris; 457 volunteer mentors, trainers and coaches; 90 placement hosts — from corporate giants like Marks & Spencers, to charity leaders like Teach First, to smaller start-ups such as Student Funder.

There’s an awful lot to celebrate. How best to do it?

We went through a few iterations and ideas — festivals, films and record-breaking attempts were all considered. We were looking for something that engaged our far-reaching network and reminded us why On Purpose had brought us all together. In the end, simplicity won through and we chose to collaboratively create a blog — Humans on Purpose.

Inspiring stories
Based on the popular Humans of New York concept, the platform we’ve created profiles some of the people that On Purpose has met, worked with and learned from over the years. Using individual photographic portraits and quotes we capture a snapshot of those who have inspired us — and who we think will inspire others. It has been an immense privilege to spend time digging into the life stories of CEOs, frontline workers and those they work with, Fellows, Associates and others in and around the social enterprise space. It’s rare that you take the time to ask people about what drives them; often the answers are surprising. Have a look — and let us know what you think.

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Explore the stories told by humans with purpose

Explore the stories of people with purpose[/caption]

We’re also having a party. On 4th September at the Crypt on the Green in Clerkenwell we will spend the evening celebrating social purpose in all its forms. With June Sarpong hosting, we’ll also hear from speakers including Mac Macartney (founder of Embercombe) and Baron Victor Adebowale. And there’ll be an exhibition of the portraits we’ve gathered — plus (socially sourced, of course) music, food, alcohol and cake!

We would love all of you who have been part of the On Purpose journey so far to join us on the night to toast how far we’ve come, and look ahead to where we’re going next. Tickets can be purchased here.



On Purpose
On Purpose Stories

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future