People On Purpose: Nicole Szanto

On Purpose
On Purpose Stories
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2013

Nicole Szanto is a graduate student at Hult International Business School working towards a Masters in International Business. Prior to starting her degree, she lived in the United States where she did her undergraduate and created her own small business, Nicole’s Noodles, which aimed to challenge conventional thought about food by creating unique and often absurd flavors of handmade artisan noodles and sauces. Nicole has experience in the social enterprise space, helping to create her alma mater’s flagship social entrepreneurship class. She is working for On Purpose to help with the October 2013 recruitment campaign, after which she will travel to Shanghai to study social entrepreneurship.

Why do you do the job you do?

I believe in business and I believe in people. I do the jobs I do so I can learn as much from as many people as possible. Being a student at Hult allows me to interact with extraordinary people from around the world, and these people’s diversity and ethic inspires and challenges me. Having the opportunity to work with On Purpose, I now have access to an even deeper pool of inspiration. I am enthusiastic about the work they are doing and motivated by the commitment and zeal that is exhibited by everyone involved.

When I was little I used to tell people I wanted to make a difference in the world; they thought it was an idealistic child thing to say. They told me I should go into business because it was practical. Studying business has only validated my desire to make a difference, only now it is coupled with the knowledge that social change can be achieved through business.

What are you most proud of?

Starting my own business and challenging people’s conceptions about food, hopefully converting a few people into foodies along the way.

What keeps you awake at night?

Skyping with friends and family back home.

What were you doing 5 years ago?

Working towards my undergraduate degree in International Business, and laying the groundwork in dormitory kitchens for what would soon become Nicole’s Noodles.

What do you expect to be doing in 5 years’ time?

Building the foundation for my own social enterprise, based around micro-finance and tourism.

If you were Prime Minister for the day, what would you do?

Try not to mess everything up.

Why are you involved with On Purpose? or if not involved in On Purpose, Why do you think it is important to have a social enterprise leadership programme?

On purpose as an organization has a tremendous amount of energy and talent. They are helping to shape leaders who will undoubtedly make an enormous impact. I believe the work that On Purpose does has a ripple effect, spreading the word about social purpose organizations as it goes.

On Purpose is currently recruiting it’s next cohort of Associates, starting in October 2013. To find out more and apply, visit here.



On Purpose
On Purpose Stories

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future