The OnP column: News, views & inspiration

On Purpose
On Purpose Stories
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2015
David Puttergill 200

David Puttergill, October 2014 Associate, shares this fortnight’s highlights from the social enterprise scene, plus some insider news from the On Purpose programme.

Love is a rigorous impact analysis

Daniela Baron Soares (ex-CEO at Impetus PEF, my current placement host) makes an impassioned argument for the tough love given to charities under our venture philanthropy model. As she says “The alternative is too easy: to look at what non-profit organizations do instead of the impact they have. To focus on their running costs — rather than on the results they deliver”.

In celebration of failure

Forum for the Future co-founder Jonaton Porritt talks about how personal failures (even getting a C grade!) helped steer him towards his glittering sustainability career, and how 10 years as a teacher “grounded me in what has become the bedrock of my life as a sustainability activist since that time: that social justice and environmental sustainability are two sides of the same coin”. A lesson in humility and resilience for anyone changing career.

The UK is just better than the USA

My last update explained that the first US social impact bond (SIB) failed to show any impact, or returns to investors. This week three UK SIBs have confirmed that they have “performed above expectations and delivered outcomes sufficient to return investor capital earlier than expected”. Get those Union Jacks flying high!

What we learned last week:

Last week we got creative. First the swami of start-ups, Dom Jones, showed us how to use the business model canvas to pivot your (social) business model, then pivot again. Then associates Rachel Stanley and Lieke Van Adrichem facilitated a group problem solving “Gangster” style (aka using the Make Sense methods).

From our network:

The On Purpose board met up this week, complete with new fellows rep Candice Motran representing the views of current associates and fellows. Six intrepid On Purpose associates went on a microadventure.



On Purpose
On Purpose Stories

Our mission is to create an economy that works for all— one that is fair & sustainable in the long-term. We run programmes developing leadership for this future