“Just Eat It: A Comic About Food and Cultural Appropriation”

Jess Brooks
On Race — isms
1 min readAug 9, 2014

“I made this comic about the cultural appropriation of food — the tendency of people to easily co-opt “ethnic” cuisine as their own, while simultaneously obsessing over the “authenticity” of food."

I so do this. I so, so, so, so, so do this with like everyone ever about everything. It’s not helpful, it’s not what they want to talk about, it’s really just me wanting to think that I have some knowledge that other people don’t have that I came by in some special and personal way. It’s that thing where you are making conversation with someone and you latch onto the thing that is “unusual” about them and that’s okay when it’s like their job or their fashion statement or something but it’s not okay when it’s just the identity they were born with and live in and don’t always need to be explaining to people.

So, I need to stop doing this.
(credit to PZ)




Jess Brooks
On Race — isms

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.