“Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends”

Jess Brooks
On Race — isms
1 min readSep 4, 2014

“Going back to Chris Rock’s point, the average black person’s friend network is 8 percent white, but the average white person’s network is only 1 percent black. To put it another way: Blacks have ten times as many black friends as white friends. But white Americans have an astonishing 91 times as many white friends as black friends.”

There was a lot of coverage of this — let me know if there is a particularly great article (this one is pretty good).

I sometimes wonder for how many people I am that one friend (I suspect that it’s mostly people I don’t myself consider a friend). Also this — “ as Robert Jones notes, most whites are not “socially positioned” to understand this history, simply because they know few people who’ve experienced it.” explains a lot of things.




Jess Brooks
On Race — isms

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.