“Why the Myth of Meritocracy Hurts Kids of Color”

Jess Brooks
On Race — isms
2 min readAug 16, 2018

““Students who are told that things are fair implode pretty quickly in middle school as self-doubt hits them,” he said, “and they begin to blame themselves for problems they can’t control.”

Barrett’s personal observation is validated by a newly published study in the peer-reviewed journal Child Development that finds traditionally marginalized youth who grew up believing in the American ideal that hard work and perseverance naturally lead to success show a decline in self-esteem and an increase in risky behaviors during their middle-school years. The research is considered the first evidence linking preteens’ emotional and behavioral outcomes to their belief in meritocracy, the widely held assertion that individual merit is always rewarded…

What’s more, for youth who perceived more discrimination from an early age, system-justifying beliefs were associated with less-risky behavior in sixth grade, but with a sharp rise in such behaviors by seventh grade. Godfrey attributes this spike to a “perfect storm” in which marginalized young people are experiencing more discrimination; beginning to understand the systemic and institutionalized nature of that discrimination; and starting to strongly identify as a member of a marginalized group, seeing that group as one that’s being discriminated against. As for why this leads to more risky behavior, Godfrey points to research that suggests people who really believe the system is fair internalize stereotypes — believing and acting out false and negative claims about their group — more readily than those who disavow these views…

David Stovall, professor of educational-policy studies and African American studies at University of Illinois at Chicago, said the paper is a confirmation of decades of analysis on the education of marginalized and isolated youth. It’s a “good preliminary piece” that lays the foundation for more academic study of historically disenfranchised adolescents and their motivations, he said.”

Sometimes I imagine how pleasent it must be for the white men I grew up with, who didn’t have to spend huge parts of their childhood struggling with the inconsistencies in their reality. How comforting that must have been. And how uncomfortable it must have been when they got to college and people started making those cracks visible to them. Like, stuff that was obvious to me at age 7.



Jess Brooks
On Race — isms

A collection blog of all the things I am reading and thinking about; OR, my attempt to answer my internal FAQs.