10 lessons from Mandela

This week’s edition of Shortlist features a piece entitled Lessons In Charisma, listing 10 takeaways from the amazing life of Nelson Mandela. Each and every one is worth sharing.

Chris Woods
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  1. Enemies must be embraced
  2. Grudges get you nowhere
  3. Image is power
  4. ‘Shepards’ make the best leaders
  5. Gambling can pay off
  6. Grand gestures build bridges
  7. Always go down fighting
  8. Never pat your own back
  9. A good leader can — and will — throw shapes
  10. Don’t let circumstances break your spirit

Read the article.



Chris Woods
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When not hanging out w/ @georginaro or baby daughter, I’m head of digital @HanoverTweets. Views = @chrismwoods. http://chrismwoods.com