6 Most Bizarre Yelp Reviews in San Francisco

Amanda Damelio
Ripple News
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2016

With its cool, foggy Pacific air, illustrious architecture and infamous hillsides, San Francisco conjures a very distinct picture in a tourist’s mind.

But without any prior knowledge of the city, how are tourists supposed to know where to get the best burrito in the city or which public restrooms to avoid? Many resort to Yelp reviews.

While Yelp may be best known for its restaurant critiques and customer service complaints, for some reason there seems to be a recent upsurge of people using the app to compulsively rant.

In San Francisco, people have yelped anything from TSA Checkpoints to the Yoda Fountain at Lucasfilm.

Did you know that 248 people have reviewed the Good Vibrations Antique Vibrator Museum? First of all, does antique vibrator mean used? And second, the museum has 4.5 stars so I might have to go check it out.

In theory, reading a firsthand account from people like yourself is a great idea, but Yelp seems to have morphed into a chat board for local venting sessions. Has life gotten you down? Please, feel free to write a 5,000 word manifesto about your coworker’s rancid lasagna or the dinner your wife made last night. Two stars.

Photo by: Ariel Dovas

Mission Police Station: First of all, why were you hanging out at the police station? I’m mildly concerned about that. But I mean, hey, I appreciate you, good lookin’ out.

Photo by Kevin Y.

Muni bus #14: There’s really no pleasant way to say this: Muni sucks and you deserve better. Yes even you, guy with the crying baby on a leash, blasting YouTube videos without headphones and carrying a live chicken. Or on second thought, you should probably just stay on Muni. Forever.

Photo by: Dustin Gaffke

San Francisco County Jail: And the award for son of the year goes to…

Photo by: Iris Goldstein

Bush Man: Wow, tough crowd. Only 3 stars? Give him a break. He’s basically famous and I don’t believe you. Bush Man scares the crap out of me every time. I’d give him a solid 4.5 stars.

Photo by: Amanda Damelio

Baker Beach: PSA if you’re a San Francisco resident and the ‘whaa-whaas and tatees’ bother you, you probably have more problems than just Baker Beach. You should probably just board up your windows and doors and stay inside your house for the rest of this month. With June, comes pride month which we all know means an abundance of carefree nude old men displaying their ‘ding-dongs’ for the whole world to see.

Photo By: Randy Chiu

Frank Chu: I’m not sure what worries me more, the fact cyberspace will never know which sushi restaurant to stay away from or that a reviewer mixed up one of San Francisco’s most well-known protestors with a sushi joint.

[Thanks for reading. This story originally appeared on ripple.co. If you like what you read, please check out more of Amanda’s Ripple stories.]



Amanda Damelio
Ripple News

Bay Area, California ✈️ Ohio | OU | Photojournalism Major IG: @adameliophotography @mandapanda5