New insights on how to use Twitter for your business

by Lindsay Logan (@wingersf) of Twitter’s Small Business Team

On Small Businesses


One of the best ways to learn about marketing on Twitter is through real examples from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Recently, we spoke with a group of these companies about how they use Twitter as a business tool, the results they’ve seen, and their tips for success.

We partnered with research firm DB5 to survey 1100 SMB owners and employees in the U.S. Those surveyed work on their company’s digital marketing strategy, and are active Twitter users and advertisers. helped us create an infographic to detail the full survey results, which revealed that SMBs see Twitter as an effective marketing tool that enables them to accomplish their advertising goals.

Interestingly, two-thirds (66%) of respondents believe that they have not yet fully maximized their Twitter presence. As a result, we’ve created a number of educational tools to help SMBs best leverage Twitter:

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of Twitter, you can also use Twitter Ads to better connect with your target audience and amplify your organic strategy.



On Small Businesses

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