Eddard Ned Stark- “The Man of Honor”

Umang Agarwal
On Startups and Such
3 min readSep 2, 2017
The Man of Honor

Ned Stark-The lord of Winterfell, is well known for being a loyal & an honorable soldier. And this is very important that you have respect, you have reputation in your field of work, to gain faith of investors & companies investing in you(in case you are an entrepreneur). This quality of an entrepreneur is called “Market Reputation”.

There are two type of reputation of a business. First- of the company and second- of the person(the leader). And if you carry the second one in your bag, then that’s gonna drive you to the crown of a successful entrepreneur. And here Ned Stark is able to bag with the second one.

He didn’t only had respect and reputation on a royal level but also among his people. The people he ruled over, and that’s what a real king needs, to rule. He cares about his men & maintains good relation even with his servants.And this quality lets an entrepreneur make his employees open to him & maintaining a healthier environment to work, finally landing up with increasing up company’s efficiency.

But Stark had a weaker side too ,i.e., being too much merciful. And in business field, people would take charge of this weakness. It can be misused to a large extent. So there must be a limit, a filter must be there for helping the one who actually needs your service.

Despite this Ned Stark had a good mind & maturity for having wider prospective of looking into matter & business. This trait is well illustrated in the incident “when Stark argues King Robert for not killing the last targaryen girl. Whose ancestors had executed his father, brother & sister, yet he refuses to blame kids for their parents crime”. So in case of dealing any business, he wouldn’t refuse any deal blindly or take any stupid actions, just to take revenge of some past incident. He would handle the business calculatively not emotionally. And so Ned Stark is also known for always doing what is right regardless of his personal feelings.

But here also Ned makes up a big blunder. That is he answered the king straight forward for what he was thinking(of not supporting the death sentence to the targaryen kid) which is not the way an entrepreneur deals.There must be a proper filter between your thoughts and your words. And due to this he was on the verge of losing his post ,i.e, being the “Hand of the King”. So, you may although not support a decision but should not always oppose the matter straight forwardly, there must some trajectory way also to deal those cases.

So concludingly, although Ned Stark had some flaws but at the end of day he stands with the flag of honor. And that’s all entrepreneurship is about. It’s not just about earning money but also earning respect & reputation in the society we live in.

