Quit Your Job and Follow Your Passion. 

Become a passioneur.

Neil S W Murray


Marina famously quit her job last week:


Marina did so because she sacrificed relationships, time, energy and two years of her life into her job and got NOTHING in return.

She experienced what the majority of people stuck in corporate companies do, a feeling of frustration with their dreams and passions gradually being sucked out of them and being replaced with a comfiness and a fear of ever daring to leave despite feeling miserable.

However, there is a difference between Marina and the majority of people.

Marina actually did quit and committed to following her passion.

Marina is now starting her journey in becoming a comedienne and did what millions wish they could do.

By following her heart and her passion she is on her first steps to being an entrepreneur.

We like to call her a passioneur.

Who is “We”?

We are Pernille, Simon, Adrian, Stephane, Ølvin, Daniel, Kræn and Neil.

We‘re participating in StartupWeekend being held in Copenhagen Parliament right now, where teams are coming together in this unique and impressive setting to attempt to solve societal problems in Denmark.

“Christiansborg” Danish Parliament

We are a pre-selected team that was picked to specifically solve a problem agreed on by prominent Danish politicians, following a debate between them.

The problem presented to us was “Set employees free” as there is a lack of intrapreneurship and willingness to innovate as a company.

So, what is our solution?

Passioneur is an app which connects you to potential business partners nearby.

Passioneur logo

Our goal is to provide you with connections in the same or complimentary areas of interests that you have and enable you to easily find others just like you in your area who want to pursue their passion.

We believe that by finding others with similar passions you can drive each other on to make the jump, and hey, who knows hopefully start something together.

We believe that making this connection is an incredibly powerful thing.

Often all people need is to make that first step, to meet others in the same situation and meet your potential business partners.

This way the person and the employee themselves is the benefactor and not the company.

We are fairly nervous of the perception it will receive.


We don’t want to win a prize, we want to make a difference.

We are not building an app.

We want to start a movement, and help you……

“Find the others”

We want you and everyone that you know who is not doing the thing that they love, to join us, to join Marina and become a passioneur.

Check us out and sign up:


You can wish us luck or follow the reaction to our pitch tomorrow by signing up to our mailing list here or following us on Twitter and Facebook.

And please share this post, that might be all the push that someone within your network needs.

