Thoughts on Android vs iPhone

Max Haot
2 min readAug 20, 2013

I have been using a Samsung Galaxy S4 for a month now — switching away from my beloved iPhone. I originally decided to switch to ensure that I understood enough the platform experience to QA our upcoming Livestream Android App.

I also did it as I thought Rachel’s Google Glass would work better with Android, but it really didn’t matter at the end since Glass is pretty standalone other than for the data connection.

I’m now an Android Fan. Reasons ?

  • Battery Life — I can finish my day without my friend Romain getting upset that my phone is dead.
  • Lighter — when I pick up an iPhone 5, it feels more luxurious, but also old and heavy.
  • Screen — picking up an iPhone now feels like going back in time.
  • Apps — All the major apps I use are as good (or nearly as good) as iPhone. With one exception: Seamless which is a disaster compared to iOS.
  • Open — It feels more open, flexible and powerful. It’s also more fun to play with, easier to hack if needed.
  • Phone — it’s a better phone
  • Speed — it’s faster at browsing
  • Google — Google just works better than on iOS (Chrome, Gmail, Calendar integration)
  • And lastly — this chart

What I don’t like about it ? No deal breaker here but noteworthy:

  • I cracked my screen already. That can be fixed.
  • Seamless App is a disaster on Android. I use my laptop in the mean time when needing a delivery.

Camera is not as warm as iPhone — but it’s damn close and good enough for me.

Why did I not see this before ? Why did I choose to ignore all the facts on Android’s victory which have been obvious for years ? I took way too long to switch I also wonder how many entrepreneurs are still carrying iPhones….dinosaurs

What’s next ?

  • Get rid of my MacBook. More on that in the future here.
  • Improve the Livestream web and app experience on Android. Fast.

Update 11/14- Today I’m back with an iPhone 6+, looking forward to test the improved battery life and large screen. Never say never.



Max Haot

Founder at Livestream. This is where I share some thoughts about live video, technology & more