You Have Enough

Don’t fall for excuses that stop you from pursuing your dream. 

Tom Bukevicius
3 min readOct 12, 2013

I will tell you a short story about two close friends, Tim and Aaron. Five years ago they decided to follow their dreams.

The Decision to Pursue the Dream

Aaron’s dream was to become a professional photographer. Tim’s dream was to start and build a marketing company.

Aaron and Tim were the same age and they had the same level of education and similar work experiences. Both of them had a dream to pursue something that excited them.

They knew that it was going to take a lot of hard work to accomplish their goals, but both of them were passionate about their fields and were ready for the challenge.

The Start of the Dream

Tim worked hard and did everything he could possibly do to make it happen. He made time in his already busy schedule, found creative ways to use his limited resources, learned the right skills, attracted the right people, and so on… It wasn’t perfect, but he got the job done.

Aaron bought the necessary equipment and began taking pictures. However, something distracted him: he felt that he did have enough to realize his dream.

Aaron made excuses, always claiming that something was holding him back. His camera was not professional enough, his computer was too slow, he did not have enough space in his house, he did not have enough time, his parents were not rich…

Five Years Later

Tim started his marketing company and is on track growing it.

Aaron never became a photographer but is still talking about it. However, if asked about his dream, Aaron faults his equipment that he says is now too old. To pursue his dream now, he would need to buy the new equipment and start fresh.

What Happened?

Aaron’s problem was not a lack of resources, but rather the lack of sufficient desire to achieve his dream. He never started. He was occupied with self-defeating excuse telling him that he did not have enough.

You Have Enough

You should have the most essential tools, but the most important thing you must have is the desire to work on your dream. The rest will come.

Life isn’t perfect. You will always face a shortage of time, resources, or connections. However, you have to focus on the essentials, work with what you have and make the best of it.

Focus on the Essentials

In the situations faced by both Tim and Aaron, the essentials were: getting clients, consistently producing quality work, and keeping clients satisfied.

It’s not about the latest bells and whistles. Your new camera lens or new camera could improve your work, but if you don’t have any clients to work for, it’s not going to make any difference. Take Aaron’s example. He had the equipment to become an excellent photographer, but his focus was on fulfilling his never ending list of excuses that prevented him from starting in the first place.

Final Thoughts

Don’t deviate from what you really want to do. Focus on the essentials.

You have enough to achieve what you want. Just work toward it without any excuses. It’s your dream. Go for it.

