Startup is startup’s wolf

Homo homini lupus

Alper Akgun
1 min readSep 17, 2013

We are experiencing a Big Bang explosion in startups. New products seek their markets, new and older markets seek their products, and yet sometimes customers are educated to need new products. Founders search for the product-market fit.

Product-market fit is like the space-time continuum, which startups —the matter — rush to fill in. Startups are like bodies in the nebulae, who fight to become stars. This is a fierce fight where better execution, quicker adaptation and smarter growth strategies help to win.

Once a startup succeeds to earn a place in the product-market fit continuum, it starts to shine like a star. Then, all smaller startups and older companies in its vicinity become victims of its light. Categories are named with usually one winner, such as social network, search engine, business network, photo sharing app. All ideas similar to the winner’s now appear as clones shadowed by the winner.

As the winning startup goes on to grow, its gravitational force starts to absorb everything in its neighborhood. Other similar brilliant ideas become small features of the winner platform.

We end up with few winners and many dead startups, or non-scalable businesses or zombies.

So startup is startup’s wolf [1].


