Kippt collects pretty useful links.

Kirill Zubovsky
2 min readJan 9, 2013

It has been about 8 months since I started using Kippt every day and I am loving it. I use the service as a personal bookmarking tool, saving at least a few articles every day. I save interesting news, design related stuff, css tricks, coding tricks, coding tools, JS tools, and a whole slew of things. Instead of googling for stuff you’ve already seen before, instead of keeping information in your brain, you can just save it once and reference it later.

Single use is great, but can a bookmarking tool really get big? You bet!

I don’t just store my bookmarks in Kippt, I follow friends who like to read, friends who like to design and those that code. From them, every day, I get an aggregation of content that is relevant and useful to me. With absolutely no effort I get the best of the internet and it takes me less than a couple of minutes to sort through the news stream. Wow!

I am not alone either. By now I have about 16,000 followers on the service. I’d like to think they are getting as much value of my links as I get from the links from the people I follow. I can see the service is getting more and more tractions from the ever growing number of comments I receive from my shared links. Users thank each other for interesting finds and discuss what they share. Sounds like Pinterest for useful links? You bet! Just like how Pinterest collects articles of pretty useless things, Kippt collects pretty useful articles that help me learn and grow everyday that make me excited to use it everyday.

Kippt examplifies a service that compounds a single-user experience with the power of the network. Whether you use it by yourself or with friends, the tool creates value, every single time that you open it. What else should you want?

Personally, I hate it when people say “startup X is killing it.” Around Silicon Valley, I hear people say this too many time, and too many times the companies that are actually ‘killing it’ are the ones you’ve never heard of before. Kippt is quietly growing to be Pinterest for men and women who like to collect useful things.

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Kirill Zubovsky

Entrepreneur, Dad. Currently working on and a few other projects. For details, check out