Is Brand Pong Crippling Your Productivity? 

I’ll give you a hint. It’s a big waste of time and it’s probably happening to you.  

Andrew Little
3 min readSep 18, 2013

Since businesses have gone digital, most of us have experienced a game of Brand Pong. In fact, most of us don’t even realize we’ve been wasting our time playing such a nonsensical game.

Brand Pong is the process by which you, designer or client, get caught in a post-project, back and forth email thread trying to send each other the correct brand assets (logo versions, font files, or color values). This foolish and unnecessary waste of time has plagued our workflow and hindered productivity.

Through our own experience as a half agency and half product producing team, we have experienced Brand Pong in two different scenarios.

The first of which is the freelancer-client game. This often happens post project, about 4 weeks after the designer has sent over a zip file of all the assets to the client. However, as time passes, the client’s hard drive or DropBox folders get larger, renamed, and disorganized. It becomes difficult to find that eps version of the company logo, which prompts an email to former designer. Does this look familiar?

Client: Hey, can you send the horizontal version of the Brandisty logo?

(Wait time): 1-2 days.

Designer: Sure, here it is.

(Wait time): 1 day.

Client: I’m sorry, we need that in a 600 x 600 png…

(Wait time): 2 days.

Designer: All good. Here you go.

(Wait time): 2 days.

Client: By the way, what font are we using?

(Wait time): Later that same day.

Designer: Helvetica.

Pretty big waste of time that could have gone on much longer.

To complicate things further, that client is probably communicating with someone who he is passing on the logo too. He is basically playing the middleman between the designer, and whomever he is working with now that needs his logo. When its all said and done, each person has not only halted their workflow, but the client couldn’t even get what he needed until the end of the week.

The second scenario is the situation we experienced as a production team. This is the in-house designer overload game of Brand Pong. Mike, our only designer, suddenly became the target for time wasting emails. Does this look familiar in your team?

Person 1: Hey Mike, can I get the vertical Brandisty logo in a 250 x 250 png?

(Wait time): 30 minutes.

Mike: Sure, Sent it.

Person 2: Mike, can I get the horizontal Brandisty logo in png for a cover photo?

(Wait time): 20 minutes.

Mike: Yeah. Here it is.

Person 3: Yo Mike, the t-shirt printer needs our pantone colors…What are they?

(Wait time): ? minutes.

Mike: I’m in the middle of something, give me a little bit…

We were not only expecting Mike to get his own projects done but we also needed him to complete our own. Each time we asked him to send us over something, it stopped his workflow and our own. Realizing what the time spent plus the time lost while we both waited for the other to finish was frustrating, not to mention highly inefficient.

We’ve created Brandisty to stop Brand Pong. We want to help you save time and get back to working on what really matters.

Brandisty takes your vector logos and font files and stores them in the cloud. Once stored, we can automatically generate your RGB, CMYK, Hex Values and Pantone colors. We also allow you to resize assets without having to open photoshop or illustrator.

Quit wasting time in search of the correct brand assets. Keep your brand consistent and help us help you stop Brand Pong.

We’re in the process of a limited private beta. If you would like to test our product please enter your email address at



Andrew Little

Product Manager @TurboTax. Forever learning and improving. Follow me on Twitter @AndrewPLittle