Would you buy the Wix IPO?

The DIY site builder is financing its way through massive profitless growth — but has a plan for profits.

Mick Weinstein
5 min readNov 4, 2013


DIY website builder Wix plans a $100+ million IPO on the NYSE this week, with proposed pricing that values the business at around $700 million. This will be the highest profile New York IPO for an Israeli tech company in some time, and by far the largest consumer internet IPO among the new wave of Israeli product and design focused startups.

In October Wix filed its F-1 (now amended), pulling back the kimono on its financials for the first time. Everyone knew Wix had raised a boatload of VC money — $40 million in its 2011 Series D alone — and that it’s been spending gobs of it on marketing, but until now nobody knew just how effectively the cash had been deployed.

Jumping right to the bottom line: the company lost $15 million last year, and is on track to lose over $20 million in 2013. Proceeds from the IPO will allow Wix to continue its marketing-heavy user acquisition model, which means ongoing losses for the time being.

But of course if you buy this IPO, you expect Wix to break out of its current model and begin generating significant free cash flow at some point in the future. How likely does that appear given the current business? Let’s try to figure that out with a few key charts and figures from Wix’s own roadshow presentation.

Wix’s high marketing spend, coupled with its very solid product for SMBs, has fueled strong registered user growth. This in turn drives steady growth in premium subscriptions (Wix runs a freemium model):

Regarding those blue bars, Wix acknowledges in the F-1 that it has no idea how engaged its non-premium users are, as “some users may never publish a website, but have not cancelled their registration. Even if [user engagement] were measurable, we do not consider the level of engagement of our registered users to be material to our business.” That’s surprising, as it makes comprehensive churn analysis impossible. Wix can only assess churn of premium subscribers, which is relatively high — it reports that over 35% of paid users don’t renew for a second year.

In any case, those premium subscriptions have produced strong top line numbers, though revenue growth has decelerated to around 80% year over year:

Break the marketing spend into cohorts and you see that a Wix marketing dollar pays for itself relatively quickly. The strongest example of this came from early spend. The company says the $1 million it dropped on marketing in Q1 2010 has already generated over $11 million in realized and deferred revenue from that cohort:

This cohort analysis helps toward defining the all-important lifetime value (LTV) of a Wix user, and shows the beauty of a recurring revenue model for a high margin hosted app business like Wix’s. Here’s a nice visualization of that — new paying users according to year of origination:

The pattern is clear: Each year’s marketing spend generates a burst of new premium subscriptions, and Wix then enjoys some late conversion that forms a rising base for subsequent years.

That translates into a growing proportion of Wix’s current income derived from subscriptions initiated in previous years — a good trend for the business:

Now here’s the money slide, presenting the company’s long-term plan toward profitability:

That third row for ‘S&M’ indicates that Wix currently pays $0.66 in marketing (they have no sales team) for each $1 of revenue it generates. In its effort to reach positive cash flow, it plans to pull marketing spend back to just 28 cents on the revenue dollar, while slashing R&D costs as well.

The company doesn’t put a timeline on this, but you can bet that big institutional investors being pitched on the deal right now are demanding details.

The bull case: Wix can safely pull back on marketing spend when it has a large enough free and paying user base, has significantly reduced churn, and effectively upsells premium users on new, more lucrative products. It’s a huge market for SMB websites — and still largely untapped.

The bear case: Wix hasn’t demonstrated its independence from high marketing spend for customer acquisition, and without ongoing strong user growth the whole model breaks down. LTV may appear high, but CPA will continue to rise over time and squeeze any profitability out of it.

Currently Wix — like Twitter (Wix is no doubt trying to draft off Twitter’s big upcoming IPO) — is financing its way through massive profitless growth. This strategy can work just fine as long as investors support management’s vision of future value creation. As Jeff Bezos demonstrates, that can be a long time if you make the case well. But make no mistake: as Ben Horowitz recently noted, a company in this framework doesn’t fully control its own destiny. It cedes control to those investors, and can continue along this path only as long as its institutional investors allow it to.

Right now the private and public markets are smiling on this model for consumer internet companies (for an extreme example, see Pinterest’s recent financing), so Wix’s IPO will likely go through without a hitch. But when investor sentiment changes — and it absolutely will at some point — Wix management will probably want to be well along the path toward profits if it doesn’t want to see its stock swoon.



Mick Weinstein

I’ve been thinking about money a lot, but usually not in an avaricious way. @mickwe