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10 Ways to Be Less Boring and Maybe Even Fun

Karen Nimmo
On The Couch
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2018


Everyone wants to be funny.

Really, we do. Sometimes we’re shy to admit it but everyone wants to be That Guy or Girl, the one who can crack people up with a sharp one-liner.

This is not (necessarily) fuelled by a secret desire to forge a stand-up career, but because being able to make people laugh gives the impression you are socially skilled, cool to be around, loving life, POPULAR.

Of course this is often a facade; some of the greatest comics in history have struggled with anxieties, depression and reclusiveness. Humour can be a temporary way of turning the darkness outwards instead of in.

Being genuinely funny is an art — and it’s difficult. Not many people can consistently pull it off (without alcohol), nor should they try. Contrived humour (“did you hear the one about…”), especially when it doesn’t fit your personality, will peg you as more fool than funny.

While it’s true that being funny can boost your popularity, striving to be popular is a dumb goal. Striving to be anything you’re not in order to get something you want is a dumb goal.

But there’s nothing wrong with trying to be — and have — more fun. And there’s everything right in trying to make life lighter and sweeter for the people in your world.



Karen Nimmo
On The Couch

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness.