7 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned from Failure

Key insights from my 7 failed attempts

Nnamdi Samuel
On The Couch
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2023


Photo by Warren on Unsplash

Damn! I failed again!

“What’s your problem, Nnamdi?”

“Will you continue this way?”

“You’re intelligent, but I really can’t tell why you keep failing.”

“It’s time we thought of something else you can be good at. We can’t keep making huge sacrifices without seeing good results for our investments.”

My parents were fed up with trying to support me financially through high school. I understood their pain, but I couldn’t seem to do anything about it.

Academically, I struggled to finish high school and needed to move on to the next phase—university. But when I sat for the entrance exams during my last year in high school, I failed badly.

I waited for the next year to go for them again. It wasn’t any better after the second trial. I did this five more times and had nature smile at me on my eighth trial.

Years later, I began to recognize the profound transformation those experiences had brought about in me.

For every failed attempt I made, something happened to me!

Failure Is Not an End, but a New Beginning

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” — Robert F. Kennedy

Perhaps the most transformative lesson of all was the realization that failure is not a dead end but a stepping stone.

Every attempt I made served as a stepping stone and gradually propelled me to achieve my dream of making it to university.

It’s okay to stumble and fall; what truly matters is our ability to get back up and continue our journey with newfound wisdom and determination.

Each failed attempt was not the end of a dream but the beginning of a new and improved one.

It’s Okay to Seek Help

During challenging times, I learned to lean on the support of others.

After two attempts, I ran to friends and colleagues for proper guidance. This helped me to achieve my goals faster.

Seeking help and advice from mentors, friends, or family members is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our humility and willingness to learn.

Accept Imperfections

I discovered the beauty in imperfections. I realized that I make mistakes and fail because I’m human.

As Alexander Pope puts it: “To err is human…”

I only fail because I’m not well-equipped with the right knowledge and resources. To beat this, I roll up my sleeves and work to have these in my possession.

Resilience Is Your Greatest Asset

Through each trial, I discovered the incredible power of resilience.

Before this series of failures, I knew how impatient I could be when I made attempts to achieve personal goals, especially when there was no external pressure, such as that from my parents. I simply let go after one or two failed attempts.

These exams were inevitable. My parents' eyes were heavily on me, and I needed to clear off the shame on my face by joining my friends at the university. I was under pressure to get it right!

After this season of failure, I paid attention to how patient I’ve become in achieving personal goals. I stayed up for any goal until it was achieved, and I understood that setbacks are not the end of the road but a detour on the path to success.

Every failure I experienced served as an opportunity to become more resilient, and my resilience grew as I went.

The ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward is a skill that can be honed and developed.

The Value of Adaptability

Life is unpredictable, and my attempts highlighted the significance of adaptability.

I realized I’m most efficient in the mornings. I resolved to study more in the mornings. This strategy helped me have a better understanding of concepts and also gave me more time to study each day. I applied this routine throughout my days at the university, and it helped me perform to my best.

Being open to change and willing to adjust my approach was crucial to navigating hurdles. Flexibility became my secret weapon.

Failure Fuels Creativity

When things didn’t go as planned, I discovered that failure can fuel creativity.

It encouraged me to think outside the box, innovate, and explore new possibilities. I changed strategies and sought new ways of going about my studies, and I discovered what worked best for me.

For example, after the fifth attempt, I thought of working with past questions from the previous sets. This gave me proper guidance during my studies. I realized I had never been working smart.

It’s through setbacks that some of the most remarkable innovations have emerged.

Build a Strong Support System

My mother played a significant role throughout the series of failures I experienced. She encouraged me, giving me confidence in myself.

Surrounding oneself with a strong support system of friends, family, and mentors provides invaluable guidance and encouragement during tough times.

My trials showed me the significance of a dependable network.


My failures have provided invaluable lessons. While it’s human to fear failure, these experiences have taught me to embrace it as a catalyst for growth and learning.

Each setback, every missed mark, has propelled me closer to success. Through resilience, adaptability, and an unwavering belief in the process, I’ve come to understand success often springs from the fertile ground of failure.

As you embark on your ventures and face inevitable setbacks, remember these five lessons: learn, persevere, adapt, keep your passion burning, and never underestimate the transformative power of failure.

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Nnamdi Samuel
On The Couch

Lifelong learner || Productivity Enthusiast || Engineer