9 Signs You Can 99% Trust Your Partner

Because trust lets you breathe out.

Karen Nimmo
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2021


Do you trust your partner?

Go on, take a sneaky look at them over there, slumped down on the couch in their sweatpants, fiddling with their phone. Are they 99% trustworthy?

(By the way, 99% is the top score because I’ve allowed for human error: We all screw up a bit, forget to send text messages, turn up late, forget to pick up the milk, whatever. So 99% is Good Enough.)

When we hear about “trust issues” in relationships, we tend to jump straight into the Sex! Lies! Secrets! zone. Perhaps that’s because those stories are the juiciest; they make the best gossip.

But trust between partners is more than that. It’s the agreements you have together around sex, definitely, but also the use of alcohol, drugs, porn, money or just the ordinary stuff of life, like where they are (and who with) and the division of chores: Who’s doing the dishes tonight or the grocery run or who’s picking up the kids. Or who’s carrying the emotional load of thinking about those things.

It’s also knowing you feel safe with them sexually, physically and emotionally. It’s knowing they won’t let you down, not deliberately or casually and never intentionally.



Karen Nimmo

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness. karen@onthecouch.co.nz