Finally, a Morning Routine You Will Actually Look Forward To

Use the “morning flow routine” to take charge of your day

Marium I
On The Couch
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2023


Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

The way you start your day shapes your lifetime.

Those first 60 minutes, the cup of coffee you savour, the activities you engage in, the people you interact with, set the tone for the day ahead.

If rigid morning routines aren’t your cup of tea, consider a Morning Flow Routine — a flexible approach that evolves with you each morning.

Interested? Read on.

Creating a Morning Flow Routine

“By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible.” - Hal Elrod, author of the bestselling book The Miracle Morning.

“Morning flow” is a term used for light movement to bring energy and space into the body. It’s flexible, in that it evolves to your changing energy levels. It is about getting into a flow and doing things that you genuinely want to do that day.

You’ll be fulfilling your responsibilities, like packing lunch or going to work, but you will still feel in control of your day.

So how do we do it?

Let’s start by ditching the idea of a “perfect morning routine” which does not take into account your mood or energy, and can feel rigid and monotonous.

Here’s what I mean:

Melissa’s Routine: 6:15 a.m. hit snooze. 6:30 a.m. wake up, drink water, TV on. Quick stretch, dress up, pack lunch. By 7 a.m., head out to work.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Now let’s back up for a minute and think about it:

  1. Does Melissa naturally wake up at 6:30 a.m., or is this a forced wake-up time?
  2. Does watching TV energise or overwhelm her already foggy mind?
  3. Is stretching flexible or more of a rigid obligation in her morning routine?

If you look closely, Melissa is forcing a one-size-fits-all morning routine on herself. Some days it will work for her, other days it won’t.

She needs flexibility.

Her morning routine should revolve around what her body needs that day. It’s can be simple as:

  • Enjoying a mindful breakfast that fits your mood, feeling the tastes and textures of the food.
  • Opting for a customised playlist with music, podcasts, or anything in between.
  • Being open to each day as a fresh start.

Highlight What Energises You

Think of your morning routine as a personal therapy session.

Ask yourself:

Is it a warm bath day, or do I need some skincare to feel good?

Do I need vigorous exercise or a few long, slow stretches?

Start by listing what lights your morning fire. Your list should include No Energy, Low Energy, and Medium-High Energy activities.

Here’s a guide to help you create a personalised list:

Image by crazyheadcomics

Listen to Your Body’s Jam

Pay close attention to your body and mind signals. If you don’t want to do any physical activity that day, don’t.

Your morning routine should be a harmonious duet with your body, not a solo act.

Make a list of your low energy and high energy activities so you can avoid decision fatigue in the morning.

It is important to remember that your goal is to uplift your mood — not lower it or stress yourself out.

Engage with others (or don’t)

On high energy mornings, you might choose to engage with your loved ones and even have a quick chat with someone.

One study showed that participants who smiled, made eye contact, and chatted with the cashier when buying their coffee had improved moods after the interaction, compared with those who didn’t interact beyond necessity.

But there will be days when you don’t want to talk to anyone. On those mornings, try to engage with yourself and focus on everything going on in your mind.

Understanding your feelings will make it easier to process your emotions and express them in the right way.

Your personal mixtape

Here’s where the magic happens — mix and match those activities. Think of your routine like a personal mixtape, play whatever works for you.

Had a stressful week with difficult mornings? You don’t have to clean the house first thing in the morning (unless you enjoy it).

Maybe have a leisurely coffee with the cat on your knee instead. When you feel in control of your day, chores won’t feel like a burden.

Enjoy the Journey

Take a moment to reflect: what moments made you feel good?

Be open to tweaking things as you go and finding the right flow to your mornings. Your routine should grow and change with you.

Most importantly, enjoy the journey. Finding your morning flow should be an adventure, not another chore.

Let it be a dynamic, ever-changing part of your day.

Thank you for reading! I am Marium, a postgraduate in English Literature, with a keen interest in physical and emotional well-being. Follow me for posts on lifestyle, travel and wellness.



Marium I
On The Couch

Independent Writer | Talks about Lifestyle, Finance, Physical & Emotional Wellness | ☁️