Generosity Burnout: 3 Signs You’re Giving Too Much

And you need to pull (way) back.

Karen Nimmo
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2020


Image by klimkin from Pixabay

You’re one of life’s givers.

You’re generous; you like to brighten someone’s day, lighten their load or promote their learning. It gives you pleasure to help too, just like the research says.

But, lately, you’ve begun to feel tired. Not just a bit worn — but soul-suckingly fatigued. Your normal good humour has taken a hike. In its place, you feel an unfamiliar beat of resentment.

It’s all give, give, give. Where’s it going to end? When is someone — anyone — going to do something nice for me?

Givers will keep giving when they’re running on empty. They’ll sacrifice their own needs — like eating well, exercise and friendships — in order to look after others or do the right, selfless thing.

But when it lands here, you need to be careful. It’s easy to slip into the Red Light Zone for burnout which, unchecked, can blow out into depression.

When is Giving Too Much, Too Much?

“Give, but give until it hurts.” ― Mother Teresa

There’s no questioning the worthiness of Mother Teresa’s ideals — but I can’t roll with the hurting thing. I’ve seen too many people…



Karen Nimmo

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness.