How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done

I’m ready to do the work! So why can’t I get started? My 5-step formula for beating procrastination.

Kate Norquay
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2021


Photo by on Unsplash

I’ve been interested in starting a business for a loooooong time. I’ve spent hours listening to business podcasts, researching online marketing and trawling Pinterest for inspiration.

I’d absorb information and feel so excited. But when I sat down and tried to create something I’d feel apathetic. Why should I waste my time doing this? Will anybody even be interested? Then I’d forget about it and lose myself in Netflix.

I saw so many posts and podcasts telling me I needed to TAKE ACTION. I knew I was spending too much time “learning”and not enough “producing”’. But what I didn’t understand was how to make myself do the work. Other people didn’t seem to have a problem overcoming their apathy. These thoughts made me feel guilty and unworthy.

I talked about “procrastination” as if it was some force outside of my control. A natural instinct I would have to battle if I ever wanted to achieve anything.

But, the truth is, procrastinating is a choice we make. If we feel apathetic, or lazy, or confused, it’s not ‘just because’. There’s a thought causing that feeling.



Kate Norquay

Founder of Norquay Marketing. We help small businesses make money with Facebook advertising. I’m a proud New Zealander, obsessed with the internet and coffee