I Quit Worrying For Good. Here’s How.

A simple method to make your brain shut up

Tristan Tell
On The Couch
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2024


Chermiti Mohamed via Pexels

“My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened.”– Michel de Montaigne

I am a master of worrying.

But what if I, an experienced worrier, told you there’s a simple method that puts a permanent end to your worrying?

Worry, worry, and worry

Excessive worrying is the greatest obstacle to living a happy life.

When things go right, we worry about them going wrong.

When things go wrong, we worry about them getting worse.

When things get worse, we worry about them never getting better again.

When things are getting better, we worry about them going wrong again.

Worry prevents you from enjoying the present. It causes fear and traps you in a state of inaction.

I suffered from it a lot.

It started as a teenager. I would lie awake at night, worrying about friendships, grades, and my looks. Later, other worries were added to the list.

Often, my worrying thoughts influenced my behavior so much they became a…

