Is the Grass Greener On The Other Side — of Anything?
Before you leap, check you’re doing it for the right reasons
Feeling the itch? Hankering to make a change?
Perhaps life has become Groundhog Day, you’re bored, you can’t stop thinking you’d be better off — and happier — elsewhere?
Plenty of people — land here at some point. Wondering if the “grass is greener” in other pastures — perhaps a change of job/career, a new partner, a body makeover, a move to a different city or even country, would help?
In my work as a therapist I’ve seen many wrestle with these decisions in search of happier lives. Some have made huge leaps and it’s worked out great. Others have done the same thing and it’s been a train wreck, they’ve become even more unhappy.
That’s because you can change your circumstances but it may not make any difference to your life satisfaction. As the old quote, first attributed to Confucius, reminds us: “Wherever you go, there you are.”
Desperate for change?
I recall working with a man who’d become desperate for a fresh start. In his forties, he’d ended his 10-year relationship, sold his house, given away his beloved dog and moved from Wales to New Zealand.