Overthinking is a Habit, Here’s a Simple Way to Break It
When your mind is driving you crazy.
Busy brains cause a lot of trouble.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a brain that earns its keep. But when brains fill up with intrusive, unhelpful, dark thoughts they can be pretty hard to live with.
In my psychology practice I see a lot of people locked in a battle with their busy minds — they quite literally don’t give them any peace. To be fair, it’s pretty easy to do.
I mean, thinking is how we process problems —and look for solutions. Our minds are where we stuff all the detritus of our lives often without bothering to file it. It can get pretty messy up there.
A man I was working with called his mind “a dumpster” and, on the back of losing his mother to illness suddenly and the breakup of a long tumultuous relationship, he’d set up camp there.
He lived alone and talked to no-one about his struggles. He couldn’t shut down the racing, intrusive thoughts. “My brain is driving me crazy,” he said. “I need to get some relief from it.
Getting Out Of Your Head
When we live up in our heads instead of sharing the load with our bodies it causes us to live in a fog of overthinking.