Recharge Your Life With These 3 Psychological Steps

The tortoise and the hare approach to life.

Karen Nimmo
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2021


A young woman is feeling stuck — in work, in love, in life.

She’s one of the 20-something masses who’ve had their plans wrecked by the pandemic and she’s found herself treading water. Feeling off her game and unsure what to do next.

There’s a new psychological term for how she’s feeling: Languishing. Languishing is a term coined by sociologist Corey Keyes whose research found many people who weren’t depressed also weren’t thriving. So you’re not unwell, but you’re not great, either.

In 2021, 20-somethings have it tough. I know, it’s supposed to be the decade when you have the world at your feet. But it can also be a time of struggle and confusion: when you’ve lost the structure of a study schedule, want to do Big Things but face a struggle to get a foothold. Even if you can nail that first job, it’s often a disappointment. Now, the pandemic has added a fresh layer of difficulty. Many younger people have had their plans upended or their lives put on hold. Which has led to disappointment. And more confusion.

My client was typical of that. So we needed a way to help her break the spell of inertia. Or at least make a plan.

The “Tortoise and the Hare”…



Karen Nimmo

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness.