The №1 Thing You Can Do To Practice Self Care
How to find compassion and empathy when you don’t think you can.
I learned recently about a form of self-care that has absolutely changed my life. I believe it’s the most critical thing we can do to practice self love.
It’s going to make some of you mad.
Because I believe that the best way you can love yourself is to learn how to forgive other people.
Stop rolling your eyes.
I know it’s a challenging thought. And that’s because the way we think about forgiveness so flawed.
So let’s start by asking, what is forgiveness? Or more importantly, what isn’t forgiveness?
- Forgiveness is not thinking someone’s behaviour was acceptable.
- Forgiveness is not saying that what happened to you was okay.
- Forgiveness is not forgetting the past.
It is recognising the humanity in the person that hurt you.
Trying to understand their situation, and to feel empathy.
Choosing love over revenge.