To Achieve Big Things, You Need to Ditch One Bad Habit

It has the power to make or break your life

Karen Nimmo
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2024


Image by yanalya on Freepik

Do you crave success?

Constantly come up with bright, shiny ideas that just might be the one that propels you all the way to the top?

No shame in that. It’s healthy to want to improve your situation. It’s even fine to want to blow your life out of the water. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

In my work as a psychologist I see lots of people with big dreams. Sports, the arts, business, entrepreneurship — seeking their own brand of fame and fortune.

When they book in for a therapy or coaching session, they have usually knocked up against some sort of psychological barrier — and they’re unsure how to proceed.

A loss of confidence or self-doubt, fear of failure, performance anxiety, procrastination, motivation, perfectionism, a major setback or disappointment — to name a few.

We can go to work on all of those things. But there’s one habit — arguably the most common of all — that is guaranteed to kill your dreams.

So it’s a habit you have to break.

Not sure which way to go?



Karen Nimmo

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness.