To Be More Secure in Relationships, Do These 6 Things

You’ll enjoy them more too.

Karen Nimmo
On The Couch
Published in
4 min readNov 22, 2020


Do you feel anxious in relationships?

Do you have a tendency to be a little clingy?

Do you worry your partner will find a better option?

If so, you’re in good company. It’s common to feel anxious in relationships, particularly if you’ve been hurt, have a history of loss or abandonment, feel undeserving of love or have just been unlucky in love.

But it’s something to keep an eye on, because an overflow of insecurity can undermine all you have to offer in a relationship — and stop you from fully enjoying it.

It can also seep into your behaviour so you do weird, and even irrational, things. Like excess checking on them through social media. Or texting 45 times a day and panicking when you don’t get a reply.

Am I too insecure?

A little insecurity is normal, especially in the early head-spinning stages of a relationship when you are both trying to figure out what it means and where it’s heading.

But, when the relationship settles, it’s worth taking stock of how your anxiety is playing out so it doesn’t derail a potentially good thing. Here are the key signs to watch out for.



Karen Nimmo
On The Couch

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness.