When You’re in Love — But There’s a 20-Year Age Gap

There may not be a problem. Until there is.

Karen Nimmo
On The Couch
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2023


Image by Gabriel Ferraz Ferraz from Pixabay

Your best friend tells you there’s someone new in her life.

“It’s serious,” she says, gushing down the phone. I can’t wait for the two of you to meet.

“Spill the tea,” you say, settling in for a chat. She lives abroad so you haven’t caught up properly for a while — you didn’t know she was dating anyone, let alone planning a future with him.

She expounds on his general amazingness then stops abruptly. “OK there’s this,” she says firmly. “He’s 20 years older than me.”

You’re cool with it, of course you are. Until the call’s over. Then you load the judgment gun. He’s freaking 48. And not even Leo deCaprio. Seriously?

The Taboo That Won’t Die

Relationships with yawning age gaps have made headlines down through the ages, often accompanied with a generous dollop of social disapproval. There’s more stigma when there’s a perceived imbalance of power and money, sex and beauty. Think Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner and the young women who shared his life in the Playboy Mansion.

The celebrity world is littered with examples of age-gap relationships where glamour often tempers the stigma.



Karen Nimmo
On The Couch

Clinical psychologist, author of 4 books. Editor of On the Couch: Practical psychology for health and happiness. karen@onthecouch.co.nz