Why You Should Be Aware of Micro Expressions

Insights into the emotions within relationships

Beth Dumey
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2021


Many of us have developed some version of the Poker Face by the time we reach adulthood.

For job interviews, first dates, executive meetings and other vital situations we monitor our reactions, which means we keep our emotions in check. We’re careful not to reveal too much. We’re on high alert to keep from responding in ways that will decrease our chances of success.

But it’s tough to maintain this level of guardedness in everyday life. Most of us can’t fully control our micro expressions, those passing emotions that flash across our faces for seconds. In these few seconds, we’re exposing our inner feelings, often without our awareness.

When we realize we’ve shown anger, disgust, or pain, we quickly change our visage. Or when we recognize our admiration is visible to another, we resettle our expression. So our face becomes blank or indifferent — or we look away.

Highly intuitive people — those who read facial and body language well — sometimes unconsciously, can pick up micro expressions. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Paul Ekman describes these facial cues as typically lasting between a half-second to four seconds. If we’re particularly observant, we can spot them. But they’re so fleeting…



Beth Dumey
On The Couch

Writes on a variety of topics generally revealing insights, ironies, and perceptions.