Attentive relationships to drive change: the Prevention Programme in 2023

James Simmonds-Read
On the front line of systems change


The Children’s Society has delivered the Prevention Programme since 2019. It is a national programme working to prevent, disrupt and improve responses to child exploitation and abuse. We recognise that change is only achieved in partnership with others and seeks to act as a bridge between different sectors, locations and perspectives to develop shared solutions that ensure all young victims are identified and get the support they need.

The Programme’s 2022–23 delivery has recently been evaluated and this evaluation focused in particular on how we bring about change in approaches, perceptions, and patterns of working to better protect children and young people.

We reflected on some of the key learnings in a podcast conversation between James Simmonds-Read — the Children’s Society’s National Programme Manager for the Prevention Programme, and Callum Ross — Partner at Habitus Collective, the evaluating organisation.

To hear the whole conversation, visit

This blog is adapted from what they discussed.

What does it mean to work collaboratively?


“The evaluation spent time really considering what makes for impactful work in trying to prevent and disrupt child exploitation. That wasn’t just about the work that we’re doing; it was about the skills and approaches that we might need to use in order to make change. A big part of that is about recognising the value of collaboration. It’s about really valuing the opinions, insights, and knowledge of somebody else, including people who may hold different viewpoints from your own. How do we find solutions together? How do we truly work collaboratively to find a shared goal and then achieve it in partnership?

Good partnership involves being attentive to those that we’re working with, and also this idea of being relational. I think being attentive isn’t just about trying to please other people; it’s about really hearing and meaningfully listening to the views of partners that you’re working with and considering what they’re trying to achieve. Then working to include those perspectives and priorities wherever possible.”

Developing a shared common understanding and goals


“We can all have such different perceptions, and that can really be a barrier. That we’re not actually all pulling in the same direction. So, if I’m a business, a non-profit, or in a statutory service, I can have really different perceptions of what’s actually the issue that needs addressing and how we get there. We need to work past that and dig beneath the difference to find common goals and remember we are all trying to make young people and society safer.

One thing we are trying to help people do is bring them back to the question of ‘But what does this mean for children?’ ”.

How to positively change the system


“One thing the evaluation considers, is what levers can really be used to create change in the system, but also how Prevention, as a team can create that change. I think of your programme as a kind of ripple effect. Because you’re working with so many others who want to create change in their systems too, whatever learnings we have for the team at The Children’s Society are applicable to people on the outside, your partners, your stakeholders.”


“Something we see as key to driving change when working with other professionals is recognising the value of that working relationship. We work with leaders all around the country. These are people who have really valuable roles to play, and yet there’s so much more that they could be doing and that we could be doing together. Asking if there’s a journey we can go on together over time to learn from one another, that might then change how we work in our day-to-day lives.”

Get in touch

If you are interested in connecting with this work or learning more, you can contact the Prevention team by emailing

To read the full evaluation of the Prevention Programme 2022–23 please visit

To listen to the full conversation on this topic please visit:

