A digital experiment to help more women find their way to science and technology

Rebecca Searles
On The Future
1 min readJun 7, 2017


A few years ago, I started a girls-in-STEM digital mentorship program at The Huffington Post. Our team matched 300+ girls with women scientists, engineers, and other STEM experts, and it was immensely rewarding work. Back in 2014, I left the company and the program closed down.

Since then, I’ve received countless messages in my Twitter feed and inbox from other young women who are still looking for a STEM mentor. There aren’t enough women in science and technology, so it pains me when I hear from a girl that has all the drive and ambition to do science, but just isn’t finding the resources she needs to keep going. It is a huge damn waste. So I try to do whatever I can to help them find someone.

But I want to do more. So I’m asking my community to help me streamline this process by passing around two forms:

  1. A form for women who would like to be a STEM mentor, and


2. A form for women seeking mentorship


I’ll be working with the WFC community on this, and we’ll do whatever we can to match individuals with a mentor in their field of interest. When we find the right fit, we’ll connect them via email.

If you’re interested in collaborating on this project, or want to yell at me because it’s not fair to boys, or something, feel free to tweet/DM me at @beccabigwords.

Here’s the tweet, if you’d like to share/RT the info:



Rebecca Searles
On The Future

Journalist-turned-product manager. I write about ethics in emerging technology, and run a creative technology studio called Motherbrain Media.