Will Trumpism stand up to local realities this time?

Greg Dickens
On the Local
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo by Xavi Moll on Unsplash

With the election now just under 3 weeks away, it is easy to get caught up in the national race between President Trump and Former Vice-President Biden.

But to really understand what is going on across America, you have to look a little deeper.

If you dig into some of the great reporting from local newspapers on Congressional races, you can get a better idea of the issues that are being debated in communities around the country.

And one thing that really stands out is how the politics of those candidates that have endorsed Trumpism stand out against pragmatists, usually Democrats, but also sometimes moderate candidates in their own party.

The big question is though, can the bluster and rhetoric of Trumpism stand up to scrutiny and the reality that Congresspeople face in their local community?

Let’s see.

Masks vs. Wishful Thinking

In Florida’s 15th district that includes Tampa, Trump-endorsed candidate Scott Franklin has been on Fox News saying that he doesn’t know if masks do anything to prevent Covid-19 or not.

When pushed on the approach to the virus, he is quick to point to the negative economic impact of shut-downs, while saying that we “just can’t go there…



Greg Dickens
On the Local

Maker, recovering banker, living in Greece. Building affordable digital tools for local news and other indie publishers at https://www.epilocal.com