Google Trends: What users are searching for

Ismael Nafría
On the Net Today
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2024


By Clara Nafría & Ismael Nafría

Google Trends is a Google service that offers constantly updated information on the topics and stories that are most searched for on Google Search, Google News, and YouTube.

Thanks to Google Trends, we can discover what is trending at any given time and how interest in any topic has evolved over the years, globally or among users in different countries. This is done through the Explore option, which allows you to compare different search terms and see their evolution over time.

The “Trending Now” section shows the top searches of the day and in real time.

Google Trends allows you to download or embed the information that interests you most on your website. To discover what you can do with Google Trends, you can go to the “Created with Trends” collection of cases, which shows how it is used by media and other organizations.

Google Trends also offers a daily newsletter in English on the latest trends.

Each year, Google Trends publishes the special “Year in Search” which offers information on the top searches performed worldwide and for different countries. Here you can see the 2023 edition of “The Year in Search” for the United States, and here for the whole world.


This article was first published in the“On the Net Today” newsletter. Co-edited by Clara Nafría and Ismael Nafría.

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