A Conversation With Gary V.

On Improving Our Brand

MR. Molly Maguire
3 min readJun 16, 2018
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

‘Why are you guys so F***ing lazy?’

Aleesha Lauray and I were having a brainstorming session the other day on growing our already thriving publication.

At one point, one of us suggested reaching out to Gary V. to help us improve our brand.

Both of us had to laugh at the thought.

Because he would absolutely destroy us. We’ve seen enough of his clips by now to be sure of that.

And he wouldn’t be wrong.

Ruthless Vee

The conversation would probably go something like this:

‘Does your publication have a social media presence?’


‘Are you guys reaching out to 15 influencers a day?’


‘Are you guys asking great writers to join your publication every day?’


‘Are you guys running Facebook ads to promote your publication?’


‘Are you guys hustling as hard as you can to make this publication a success?’


by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

At this point in the conversation, he would usher the line I opened this piece with:

‘Why are you guys so f***in lazy?’

And that would be the end of the conversation. Gary can be ruthless when he perceives laziness.

But it’s not that we’re lazy.

Grab A Megaphone

It’s more that we’re shy.

Because after that imaginary conversation, we both realized that we had to step up and level up.

We’re definitely capable of much more.

It reminds me of something Jesse Kerema once said:

Yell as loud as you can.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

It’s something we’re not really doing for the moment.

I used to think that my work spoke for itself. But that’s just another one of my limiting beliefs.

The truth is: I’m just not comfortable with yelling as loud as I can.

I’ve always been the shy kid in the back who was careful not to attract any unwanted attention.

Luckily, this daily writing challenge forced me to start advertising myself.

And I’ve been doing that for a while now.

But I have to go much bigger. I have to start screaming from the top of my lungs.

It’s time to grab a megaphone.

Ready To Achieve

That’s the ultimate advice to anybody looking for growth.

What you want to find the most, will be in the place you want to go the least.

That’s how it always is in life.

I’ve always been afraid of success in the past. That’s why in some way of form I always found a way to self-sabotage.

Fortunately, things are different now and I’m actively improving my chances of success.

by Tommy Lisbin on Unsplash

Time has changed. I’m finally ready to achieve.

So that’s why I’m going to yell as loud as I can from now on.

Because that’s how we build the things we want the most.

By going there.

Our publication is doing great.

But we humans need growth. That’s why this imaginary conversation with Gary V. can be our cue to step up.

It’s time to bring our a-game.

And move with a purpose.

