Starting from zero

Aphinya Dechalert
Black Cat Diaries


It’s kind of strange to begin from the beginning all over again.

Two months ago, I was made redundant from a job I stuck with because it paid the bills. I initially jumped right back into the job market, but after realizing that I will never actually get to see my baby with a 9–5 (which is more like a 7–7 if you count in commute), the whole traditional climb to the top just doesn’t work any more.

There’s something about working for someone else that no longer appeals to me. Sure, there’s a constant paycheck every week in the bank and there’s the illusion of security, but the inability to do what I want, when I want will be an impossible task. Perhaps this is motherhood changing me.

Or perhaps motherhood itself is rediscovering a part of me that desires to be free from the social expectations to ‘get a job’.

Or perhaps I am just part of the wave of Millennials that are rebelling and redefining the image of ‘work’ itself by looking to create my own opportunities on my own terms. Who knows?

Eight years ago, I was at ground zero and playing a different kind of game. It was a traditional game — go to school, get a degree, get a job, work, work, work, work until my life started to sound like a Rihanna song. I climbed to the top, as far as I can go with the current resources, connections and knowledge I have.



Aphinya Dechalert
Black Cat Diaries

Where Development Meets Storytelling: Tech Writer, Editor & Dev Advocate. Translating Complexity into Clarity. DM me.