Why I’m Going To Start All Over In 2019

The Importance Of De-Cluttering

MR. Molly Maguire
4 min readNov 16, 2018
Photo by Juan Davila on Unsplash

Can you name me three things you’re extremely grateful for?

Right now! Without thinking too much about it!

I’ll go first.

I’m grateful for my heart because it has been beating every second for the last thirty-five years without ever stopping.

If it had failed even once, I wouldn’t be here to write this piece.

I’m also grateful for having awesome family and friends who support me (most of the time) in whatever I choose to do (weird things like poker, bitcoin or writing about my feelings on Medium).

And I’m also grateful for having the means to live life on my terms.

Those are the first three things that I could think of.

But if you forced me to, I could probably go on for half an hour or so.

Gratefulness is my default state.

Talking To A Tree

Or at least, it should be.

Sometimes I lose myself in some minor things because I’m an ordinary human being, just like you.

For instance, the last two weeks I spent too much time watching my charts and pondering my positions.

I mean, trading is my passion so I’m bound to spend some time on stuff like that.

And that’s okay.

Photo by Simon Wijers on Unsplash

But I was exaggerating and my subconscious had to step in.

A couple of days ago, during a meditation session/fever dream, I saw myself walking through a forest and talking to a tree.

And I suddenly realized that trees heal me.

Of course, that could have been the fever speaking, but it made sense to me nonetheless.

I stopped staring at my charts ever since and I immediately felt better.

Balance is very important.

Wasting Fifty Hours Of My Life

And it’s going to be key in 2019.

I want to balance my life a bit more and only spend a couple of hours a day online.

Yes, I wrote about that before, I know, but it just makes so much sense to me.

Did you know that I spent ten minutes every day for the last year watching my medium stats?

Photo by Jallen Fosati on Unsplash

That’s a crazy amount of time wasted.

It’s fifty hours of my life that I can never get back, fifty hours I could have spent on learning to play the cello.

Instead I spent it on watching some meaningless numbers.

It makes me realize how much time we all have in life.

All of us.

Drawing For Six Hours Straight

Think about it.

Everyone I know says that they’re too busy and don’t have time for anything.

I have said that too in the past, I’ll admit to that.

But if you would only spend one minute a day drawing in 2019, by the end of the year you would have drawn for six hours straight.

I bet you spend more time unlocking your phone.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

It’s crazy how much time we have and even crazier how much time we waste on things that don’t matter.

For instance, I have 5k followers as of today.

But it took me ten minutes a day for the last eight month to follow people on medium.

That’s about forty hours.

I’m not saying it wasn’t worth it, but it’s definitely a lot of time. Time I could have spent volunteering in a homeless shelter.

Or making friends in real life.

So how’s your list going?

I hope you found three things you’re grateful for by now.

It’s always useful to remind ourselves to be grateful. That’s why I’m going back to the drawing-board in 2019 and start all over.

Like Steve Jobs would say:

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

I don’t want my life to become a routine thing.

Life’s too precious not to live it.

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