Life is like Road Trip

Metaphoring road trips with life and its success.Don’t stay still for long “Just Keep Moving”…

Vitap Ramdevputra
3 min readMar 14, 2014

We move, we stop, we play songs and sing with it, we sleep, we eat, we make fun but yet most of the time we reach where we wanted to reach, just because we kept moving. This – “keep moving” thing is a root note of a road trip which we need to learn to attain success. There are lot more things in “Life” and its “success” which are metaphoric to road trip.

I feel very lucky for myself that I have friends who do not like to travel by train. They always prefer car. Also my father love road trips. And so I’ve been to road trip lot of times. Blending all my experiences of road trips, I am writing here that how the life and its success is related to road trip. And the things which we can learn from road trips.

  1. To give side or not: Even if a person is not in a mood to get ahead of you, he will get ahead if you voluntarily give him side. And the person, who is determined to move fast, won’t wait for you – to give side. He will make his own way. So don’t think what others are up to, decide what you want to do and do it.
  2. Fear is obvious: While travelling if you don’t see any milestone for a long time, then you may get fear thinking “Are you moving on a correct path or not ?”. Similarly, when you are working hard to achieve something you should know that where you reached and what is next.
  3. Don’t lose focus: Simplest of all, but most important. Accidents happen when sights are off road. So do not lose focus from road when you are driving and from your goal when you are following it.
  4. Competition is a good thing: You are driving a car on a highway (at midnight) and there is almost no traffic, there is no car overtaking yours. At that time your chances of falling asleep increases. But when you find someone who is capable and interested in competing with you then you will perform so well that you will reach destination before time. Undoubtedly. So, competition is actually better than no competition.
  5. Don’t underestimate anyone: Even a small obstacle (it can be a pit, stone or anything/anyone else) is enough to break your speed to zero. So don’t underestimate any one in life.
  6. If you feel that you always need support, don’t feel phony: If you have to drive for long time, then you will definitely need support. You might need a person sitting next to you don’t fall asleep or anyone to talk or at-least music. Some kind of support is a necessity.
  7. It is better to keep moving than to remain steady: Lets say – there are two drivers. 1st one can take to destination in 3 hours and other in 5 hours. If 1st one wants a nap (feeling unfit), that doesn’t mean you won’t handle car to other one. You will chose to keep moving than to wait for 1st one to get fit. So if you cannot give your best, doesn’t mean you should stop there. Keep moving instead.
  8. How to drive is totally up to you. Smooth or Rough? : How to drive car is your choice. Fast and rough, medium or slow. It is totally up to you. It is like choosing profession, become an employee or an employer.
  9. Roads are not going to be smooth anyways: Whatever you choose, there will be times when you have to travel rough roads. But if you choose to move slow then you will feel fewer jerks than those who choose to move fast. Simple science. But be ready for it.
  10. Halts/stops are mandatory: You can’t just keep moving. You have to have stops in between for refreshments.
  11. Sometimes you have to go backward: If by mistake you move on a wrong path then you have to take “U-turn” and get back on the right track. Don’t be ashamed of getting backward. Be proud that at-least now you will go on correct path.

Remember – don’t stay still for long “Just Keep Moving”…..

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