The pure genius. Anna Plotnikova.

The genius can be born everywhere, it`s a matter of probability.

Andrei Kultyshev
on the topic of women…


The genius can be born everywhere, it`s a matter of probability. So most geniuses would originate from a humble backgrounds. Even from a rural area as our today`s protagonist. They had families that could not understand what`s going on with a youngster.

If you are talented, you may endure circumstances of life for a very long time, dodging like a rat from mop and running from corner to corner. But if you are a genius, you would just fly away through a transom. That comparison of talent and genius isn`t mine, it belongs to one genius. Our protagonist escaped so many dead ends, been born in rural nowhere, attended community college, even got a higher education, and became at a time a professional entertainer, some sort of though, she is entertainer at spa resort, this resort also is some sort of, because it situated at a place with harsh climate without any tourist attractions. It illustrates that in russian federation everything is upside down, and to pave your way to any decent destination in life you must be a genius. Of cause it doesn`t concern a common crowd, ordinaries which coast their ways unconsciously in any surroundings.

So what is an oeuvre of a protagonist. It is a singer-songwriter`s stuff. Guitar, synthesizer, female vocal, and charming songs full of an enthralled lyric about life, struggles, happiness and everything in between. Good and sound performance. Where does the magic go from?

This magic begets an ethereal feeling that the true love exist. It is not a commitment or an obliging. That`s the pure desire, obsession you can indulge in, reciprocated or unrequited. There is something inside that proof its existence when being exposed in Anna`s songs. That is moving revelation that it is, you can love the world, because in this world there is at least possibility of something great.

Even more Anna`s songs give you a slight experience of this strong feelings, not ressentiment, pure yearning, you can live vicariously through the magic of her lyric. And more you can put on her perception of reality, and then, when you go on a quiet august night to any prosaic destination, you can slip under the dull veil of a world and emerge on the other side at a primordial soup of primeval emotions towards the nature, yourself, and the vague object of a desire, not the possesion, but knowledge. It really is, and there is beuaty around, cause there is the reason, and it is benevolent.

Russians is not religious people, there is no god in their childhood, and for adults it is hard to embrace a religion, if it occurs it is a sign of a serious problems that person have. Humanism couldn`t become a secular religion, because russians are more misanthropic than philanthropic folks, and they are not so great in dealing with each other, frankly speaking they are bad at this. But russians are very sentimental, at least they were before revolution. And this often even now brokes throug the soviet cultural tiers of dishonesty and post-soviet filth of russian federation.

So where is the source of an Anna Plotnikova`s ingenuity to brought her people back the deep feelings of higher level. Does it stem from her life experience. Actually doesn`t seem so, since her life, with caveats of cause, is an ordinary russian hodgepodge of loosely planing turns. May be it stems from background roots of russian culture. And she was a major in culture but it was lousy local university and evening courses. I do not know.

Geniuses just appears, randomly, but it seems it occurs more often in some places, among some nations, or at a particular time. And this is the case of russia, russians, and the period of the Big wave we have under consideration.

