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Cosmic Watergate II

Nixon thought the best spin to a lie was to salt it with a bit of truth. Could his playbook be used again with the UAP report?

Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact
Published in
9 min readFeb 5, 2021


Since 2017, the Pentagon appears to be a bit more forthcoming on the UFO/UAP reality issue than it’s been in the past. The problem is that if UFOs are a yes or no question, then you can’t get away with a little disclosure any more than you can be a little bit pregnant. Or can you?

There’s a big test coming at us this year, given that the Senate Intelligence Committee has demanded (in an approved bill) a public report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, and they want it no later than June 25, 2021.

This could either be a bright, shining moment in the cause of truth and reconciliation on this issue, or it could be a dodge and weave with a hint of truth added for seasoning.

First, some background…

A Limited Hangout

What do you do when you get caught in a lie or trying to cover up something? Like the kid who gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar? You offer a little bit of the truth. Yes, my hand was in the cookie jar, but I wasn’t looking for cookies, just checking to see if it was clean so I could put some more



Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact

Writer/producer in features & TV. Creator, five primetime series. Ex: TV Academy CEO; CNN reporter; USC professor. Author of books about the Beatles, JFK, UFOs.