Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

An Open Letter to DNI Avril Haines about the UAP Report

Congress gave the Director of National Intelligence until June 25 to submit a report about UFO/UAP reality. It’s time to hear the facts as they are known.

Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact
Published in
5 min readMar 25, 2021


Testifying before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, January 2020

Dear DNI Avril Haines,

You have heavy responsibilities in your new position as the Director of National Intelligence: counterterrorism, cybersecurity, counterproliferation and counterintelligence. It’s a lot, and you’ve only been on-the-job since mid-January 2021. We get it.

Under normal circumstances, it would be easy to see a demand from a Senate Committee (SSCI, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) to report to them about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) as something better delayed until a more opportune moment. Please don’t do that. We all know that circumstances in today’s world are not normal at all. Far from it.

This moment you’ve been presented with is historic, one that should be met head-on and not become yet another brick in the wall of deception that has plagued this topic for nearly eight decades now.

There are many, many millions of Americans (including pilots, military, police, etc.) who have seen…



Bryce Zabel
Point of Contact

Writer/producer in features & TV. Creator, five primetime series. Ex: TV Academy CEO; CNN reporter; USC professor. Author of books about the Beatles, JFK, UFOs.